We meet again Le Commandant, at full speed on a hovercraft on the Amazon river, chased by flying butterdrones and wildfires….
L’Été Indien feat. Omar
A tropical rain manages to extinct the fire, the sun is coming back on a luxurious forest, le Commandant is now approached by a very special man…
Les Pyramides Cosmiques / ピラミッド コズミック feat. Youka Manuka
…The spirit of the forest hands him a crystal pyramid, engraved with the words „lick me“:
Le Commandant immediately starts to trip… after minutes that feel like days, he comes back to reality and wakes up on a beach
Interférence téléphérique
His telepathic watch starts to vibrate, and pulls him along the sand.
He then activates his rocket shoes and now follows the téléphérique to the top of the hill.
Algo Rythm
As Le Commandant is flying to the top of the Pao de Azucar he’s shorty disturbed by a flying algo rythm (a cyber seaweed moving in time) but rapidly disappears as Le Commandant is accelerating.
<<<<Le Pain de Sucre
Finally on top of the hill, he admires the unique panorama and lets his mind flow…
Jean Neymar
It’s time for Le Commandant to leave this paradise. He receives a signal coming directly from his heart. His son is in danger, on the other side of the globe, trying to explore a sunken continent….
Chapter II
For the second chapter of his odyssey, Le Commandant, is riding a hover board on the Amazonas river chased by butterdrones and wildfires. This dystopian vision has been largely inspired by the troubles of year 2020 and 2021 and illustrates a form of anxiety toward the future. Its soundtrack is purposely the antithese and is an assumed tribute to a very optimistic space disco and brazillian funk.
A “good time” pill to give hope for a new beginning.
For the occasion, Malka created a legendary acid-jazz rythm section unifying Nick Van Gelder (Jamiroquai) and Alex Malheiros (Azymuth) and invited some promising young German groovers (Tim Sensbach, Sebastian Gieck and Christoph Holzhauser).
The vocal side has been, once again offered to Youka Manuka who managed to create enchanting choirs all the way through. To complete this all-star line-up, Omar Lye-Fook is riding smoothly on L’Été Indien with his unique vocal vibe.
As Stevie Wonder once said:
“When I grow up, I wanna be like Omar.”